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ThorCap.com – Superior quality ignition condenser for all vintage engine types (motorcycles, cars, mopeds, boats, tractors, generators etc.)

Are you experiencing engine ignition problems or are you restoring a engine and wan’t to secure you won’t experience them?

Symptom of faulty condenser: The engine cannot start, the engine cannot take high revs, the engine cannot reach its top speed or the engine runs uneven when it gets hot or the engine "shoots" in the carburetor or exhaust.

Solution: We have developed a particular robust condenser which can be used with most engine types using condenser/contact breaker (see Thorcap condenser specifications below).

Our goal: To produce condensers of the highest quality for all engine types with contacts breakers to ensure trouble free operation, optimum performance at high speed and long life of the condenser and contact breaker.


All our capacitors (condensers):

·         1200V isolation voltage continuous (other vendors typically specify 500 to 600V isolation)


·         Operating temperature up to 125 degrees Celsius (257 Fahrenheit)


·         Significantly longer life than ”original” capacitors, since the ceramic material does not dry out


·         Double isolation barrier in the condenser provides much higher robustness


·         3-year warranty


·         30 days return policy


·         Thorough testing before shipping: isolation test, capacity measurement and visual control


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